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2.25 as a fraction

2.25 as a fraction
Math / How-To

    How to count 2.25 as a fraction?

    Near 3 minutes to complete
    Required Items:
    2 1⁄4
    Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings


    Decimals are part of our number system. They are fractions in disguise!


    Write 2.25 as a fraction

    Here, we write the number as it is. Our task is to convert it.


    Find decimal places

    In 2.25, two places are after the decimal. Keep this in mind.


    Write as a fraction

    We place 225 over 100, since we have two decimal places.


    Simplify the fraction

    We reduce the fraction to its simplest form. It becomes 9/4.


    Check your work

    Always check your result. It should match the original decimal.

    Conclusion: Converting 2.25 to a fraction isn't hard. Remember these steps, and practice to become proficient!

    The Decimal System

    Decimals are based on the number 10. The place value is critical here. It's all about positions!

    Understanding 2.25

    Our focus is on 2.25. It's got two whole parts and a quarter. Now, how do we write it as a fraction?

    Convert the Decimal to a Fraction

    Start with a simple fraction. The decimal 2.25 can be written as 225/100. We got this by shifting the decimal point two places to the right.

    Simplify this Fraction

    Simplify if you can. We can divide both 225 and 100 by 25. Doing this gives us 9/4.

    2.25 as a fraction

    Recognize the Mixed Number

    But wait, there's more. This isn't quite done. Remember that 2.25 is a mixed number in decimal form.

    Convert to Mixed Number

    Do you recall what a mixed number is? It's an entire number and a fraction. If you divide 9 by 4, you get 2 with a remainder of 1. This gives us the fraction 2 1/4.

    Validate Your Answer

    Always check your work. Does 2 1/4 equal 2.25 in decimal form? If yes, you did it!

    By following these steps, converting a decimal to a fraction becomes easy. As you can see, it's a journey. It's about breaking down the parts, simplifying, and checking your work. Keep practicing, and soon, you'll be able to convert any decimal to a fraction.
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