Wiki » Math » 1/6 as a decimal

1/6 as a decimal

1/6 as a decimal
Math / How-To

    How to count: 1/6 as a decimal

    Near 3 minutes to complete
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    Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings


    We'll turn 1/6 into a decimal. That's our task. Keep calm. You can do this.


    Set up the Division

    Think of 1/6 as 1 ÷ 6. It's simple division. This is the key.


    Perform the Division

    Use a calculator. Input “1 ÷ 6” and press “=”.


    Note the Result

    The answer is 0.1667. That's 1/6 as a decimal.


    Understand the Outcome

    You've done it! You can now convert 1/6 as a decimal.


    Fractions and Decimals

    Fractions and decimals are ways to express parts of a whole. They are core to math. You can convert between them. A key skill to have in your toolkit.

    The Basics of Conversion

    Conversion is changing a number from one form to another. We focus on fraction to decimal. It's not as hard as it seems. It's simple division at its core.

    The Fraction 1/6

    Our fraction is 1/6. It's a simple fraction. It means one part of six equal parts. Now, we aim to turn it into a decimal.

    Setting Up

    Think of 1/6 as 1 ÷ 6. We divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator). It's simple, it's clean. This is the key to our conversion.

    1/6 as a decimal


    Next is the actual division. Use a calculator. Input “1 ÷ 6”. Then press “=”. You could do this manually. But a calculator is quicker and more accurate.

    The Result

    You should see 0.1667. That's your answer. That's 1/6 as a decimal. Elementary, wasn't it?

    Understanding the Outcome

    Now, you've turned 1/6 into a decimal. You've expanded your math skills. Well done! Math isn't scary. It's logical and simple, step by step.

    Wrapping Up

    That's it. A key math skill is yours now. You can turn a fraction into a decimal. And you did it yourself. You're ready to face more math challenges.
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