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1.25 as a fraction

1.25 as a fraction
Math / How-To

    How to count: 1.25 as a fraction

    Near 3 minutes to complete
    Required Items:
    1 1⁄4
    Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

    Understand the decimal

    In our case, 1.25 is the decimal. The .25 is a part of a whole.


    Write it as a raw fraction

    1.25 equals 1 25/100. The '1' is a whole. 25/100 is a fraction.


    Simplify the fraction

    We simplify 25/100 to its lowest form. Divide both numbers by 25. You get 1/4.


    Combine the whole number and the fraction

    Now, combine 1 and 1/4. This gives 1 1/4.


    Validate the answer

    Check if 1 1/4 equals 1.25.



    Let's talk about fractions. They are a key part of math. This article will help you master a basic skill: converting 1.25 into a fraction.


    Every number can be a decimal. Take 1.25 as an example. The whole part is 1. The decimal part is .25. It's simple, right?

    Fraction Fundamentals

    In math, a fraction is two numbers. The top number is the numerator. The bottom number is the denominator. So, 1.25 equals 1 25/100.

    1.25 into a Raw Fraction

    Next, write 1.25 as a raw fraction. It is 1 25/100. The '1' is the complete number. 25/100 is the fractional part.

    Simplifying the Fraction

    The next step is to simplify. Divide the top and bottom of the fraction by 25. You get 1/4. So, the fraction is simplified now.

    1.25 as a fraction

    Merging the Whole Number and the Fraction

    The final step is to merge. Take the complete number '1' and the fraction '1/4'. Put them together. You get 1 1/4. This is the final fraction.

    Validating the Answer

    It's always good to check the result. The fraction 1 1/4 equals the decimal 1.25. So, we did it right!


    Therefore, this is how you convert 1.25 into a fraction. It's not that hard, right? You just need to understand the steps and practice a little.
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