Wiki » Math » 2/3 as a decimal

2/3 as a decimal

2/3 as a decimal

    Math has its charm. Today, we'll look at “2/3 as a decimal”. Fractions and decimals are fun, believe me. We’ll explore this topic in a deep, friendly way. Let's dive in!

    Fractions and Decimals

    Fractions and decimals may seem different. But, they are two ways to represent the same thing. They are all about parts of a whole. For instance, the fraction 1/2 and the decimal 0.5 represent the same value.


    Now, how can we convert a fraction to a decimal? It's easy. A fraction is a division problem. The numerator is the number to be divided. The denominator is what you divide by.

    Step-by-Step Conversion of 2/3 as a Decimal

    Let's turn 2/3 into a decimal. Here’s how:

    • Start with the fraction: 2/3;
    • Perform the division: 2 ÷ 3;
    • You'll get the decimal: 0.6666.

    2/3 as a decimal

    The result is a recurring decimal. We can write it as 0.67, rounded to two decimal places.

    Recurring Decimals

    What is a recurring decimal? It's a decimal that has digits that repeat forever. In our case, “6” is the recurring digit in the decimal 0.6666…


    That's it! Now you know how to convert 2/3 into a decimal. It's simple. It’s just division. Fractions and decimals are two sides of the same coin. Remember this the next time you work with them.
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