Wiki » Measurements » How many minutes are in a day?

How many minutes are in a day?

How many minutes are in a day?

    What is a minute?

    The minute is an integral unit of time, to which we are very accustomed. We understand how much is 20 minutes or 10, but we may wonder how many minutes in a day? This is quite an interesting question to which we will give you an answer.


    For starters, their association with the word “minute”. And so now we need to find out what 1 day is, it's 24 hours, and it is them that we will translate into minutes. There are 60 minutes in 1 hour and to find out the answer to the question “How many minutes in a day?” we need to solve a small example.

    Answer: how many minutes in a day?

    Answer: how many minutes in a day?

    24 hours multiplied by 60 minutes equals 1440 minutes.

    24 × 60 = 1440 minutes.

    Answer to the question “How many minutes in a day?”: 1440 minutes.

    To find out How many minutes are in a day?, it did not take much time, and we really hope that this information was useful to you. If something is not clear, or you have questions, ask in the comments, we will be happy to answer you.
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