Wiki » Math » 1/5 as a decimal

1/5 as a decimal

1/5 as a decimal

    Hello, math enthusiast! Today, we're diving into 1/5. Guess what? We can turn it into a decimal. Let's get started!

    Understanding Fractions

    Remember what fractions are? They represent parts of a whole. So, 1/5 signifies one part out of five. Simple, isn't it?

    The Conversion Process

    Here comes the fun part. Every fraction is a form of division. We need to divide the top number (numerator) by the one at the bottom (denominator).

    Converting 1/5 as a Decimal

    Time for action. Divide 1 by 5. You'll get the decimal form. So, 1 ÷ 5 equals 0.2. Thus, 1/5 as a decimal is 0.2.

    1/5 as a Decimal

    Handling Repeating Decimals

    Sometimes, fractions turn into decimals that don't stop. They're called recurring decimals. If you find one, don't worry. We can round them to the required decimal place.

    Making Sense of 1/5 as 0.2

    There you have it. You just transformed 1/5 into 0.2. With more practice, converting fractions to decimals will become second nature. Stay curious and keep learning.
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