Wiki » Math » 1/3 as a decimal

1/3 as a decimal

1/3 as a decimal

    Sure, let's tackle “1/3 as a decimal”. We'll make this simple. We'll go step by step. Ready? Here we go.

    Getting Started

    Let's begin. What's 1/3? It's one part of three. Now, how can we change it? Let's find out.

    Plain Division

    The first method is plain division. Divide 1 by 3. Get your calculator. The result? It's .33 repeating. So, 1/3 is .33 repeating.


    Here's another way. We can use multiplication by 1. How? Allow me to explain.

    Turn the denominator, 3, into 10. Multiply 3 by 3.33 repeating. Do the same to 1. You get .33 repeating over 1. That is .33 repeating.

    Using Place Values

    This method works with place values. Look at .33 repeating over 1. The .33 repeating is in the hundredths place.

    what is 1/3 as a decimal

    In decimals, .33 repeating goes in the hundredths place. This gives us .33 repeating. Simple, isn't it?

    Adding Decimals

    Another way is adding decimals. Add .11 repeating and .22 repeating. What do they make? They add up to .33 repeating.

    Using a Decimal Grid

    The last method uses a decimal grid. Draw a square. Split it into three equal parts. Shade one part. That's 1/3. Now, label it as .33 repeating.

    That's it. Five ways to write 1/3 as a decimal. Try them out. Enjoy your math journey!
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